


Intellectual property protection

Serial number Patent name Application number / authorization number Authorization time Patentee
1 Method for synthesizing sodium thiocyanate ZL200910137548.X 2011.1.5 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
2 Fishing net antifouling agent and preparation method ZL201010162111.4 2013.1.9 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
3 Method for recovering thiocyanate by using desulfurization and cyanide waste water of coke oven gas ZL201110240780.3 2013.6.12 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
4 Synthesizing Method and application method of a chelating precipitant ZL201310301171.3 2015.1.28 Zhangjiagang Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
5 Thiocyanate multi-effect distillation concentrating device with filter ZL201420105415.0 2014.7.30 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
6 Method for preparing high quality sodium thiocyanate by using desulfurization and cyanide waste liquid of coke oven gas ZL201310301170.9 2016.3.30 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
7 Method for preparing high quality potassium thiocyanate by using desulfurization and cyanide waste liquid of coke oven gas ZL201310301182.1 2015.7.15 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
8 Method for refining thiocyanate by combined membrane method ZL201410084853.8 2015.12.2 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection, Zhangjiagang Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
9 Method for producing ammonium thiocyanate from waste liquid recovered crude ammonium thiocyanate ZL201410084846.8 2016.5.4 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
10 Thiocyanate solid-liquid separation device ZL201820350261.X 2018.11.23 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
11 Continuous rinsing sodium thiocyanate crystal device ZL201820366715.2 2018.10.9 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
12 Continuous growing device of Thiocyanate crystal ZL201820350327.5 2018.11.2 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
13 Continuous cooling device of sodium thiocyanate crystal ZL201820366736.4 2018.11.6 Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection
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