
About us

Company profile

Jiaocheng Jinyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Jiaocheng Jinyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was established on May 18, 2015, with a total area of 7260 square meters, located in Xiajiaying Industrial Park, Jiaocheng County. With a total investment of 46 million RMB, the company uses the desulfurization waste liquid resources from Meijin Energy; relies on Liaoyuan Environmental Protection's advanced salt extraction technology and comprehensive management to produce thiocyanate series products, which has become a model project of dealing desulfurization waste liquid in China Coking Industry Association. Up till now, the annual output of supporting coke is 5.3 million tons, the company's daily wastewater treatment capacity is 150 tons, the annual wastewater treatment capacity is 50,000 tons, and the annual output of thiocyanate series products is 10,000 tons.

Jiaocheng Jinyuan
Jiaocheng Jinyuan
Jiaocheng Jinyuan
Jiaocheng Jinyuan
Jiaocheng Jinyuan
Jiaocheng Jinyuan
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