
Liaoyuan Environmental Protection into the new three board

On March 12, 2015, Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. of Yixing City successfully passed the review of the National Small and Medium Enterprise Share Transfer System Co., Ltd. and officially listed into the "New Third Board" , becoming the first " Three Board enterprise" in Yixing City in 2015.

湟源县| 左权县| 德昌县| 马龙县| 南皮县| 安图县| 高密市| 静海县| 鄂州市| 林州市| 普兰店市| 洱源县| 哈尔滨市| 贵定县| 鸡西市| 岳西县| 沂南县| 罗城| 德令哈市| 江华| 盘锦市| 宕昌县| 教育| 祁阳县| 平和县| 屏东县| 织金县| 萨嘎县| 长治县| 尼木县| 广昌县| 红安县| 高雄县| 台湾省| 康乐县| 怀化市| 邵东县| 海兴县| 龙岩市| 鹤峰县| 原阳县|